学位:博士 | |
研究中心: | |
研究领域:农产品加工副产物高值化开发;新疆特色易腐果蔬加工及物流保鲜技术;功能因子及生物大分子自组装行为机制与应用 | |
邮箱:xizhefu1993@163.com | |
办公电话: | |
通讯地址:新疆石河子大学食品学院 | |
职位: |
付熙哲,副教授,博士毕业于浙江大学生工食品学院,师从罗自生教授。主要从事农产品加工副产物高值化开发、新疆特色易腐果蔬加工及物流保鲜技术、功能因子及生物大分子自组装行为机制与应用等方面的研究。近五年来在Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,Food Chemistry,LWT - Food Science and Technology等中科院一区TOP期刊发表高水平论文10余篇,其中以第一作者发表中科院一区TOP期刊论文7篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,授权国家发明专利1件,获得广西自然科学二等奖等省部级奖2项;参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,国家重点研发计划项目1项,入选新疆维吾尔自治区“天池英才”青年博士项目;主持省部级项目2项,校级项目1项;参编普通高等学校食品类专业课程教材《食品安全监管理论与实践概论》1部。兼职为“Food Chemistry”,“Food and Bioprocess Technology”,“Plant Foods for Human Nutrition”,“Frontiers in Nutrition”,“Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence”,“现代食品科技”等国内外专业期刊审稿。
兼职为“Food Chemistry”,“Food and Bioprocess Technology”,“Plant Foods for Human Nutrition”,“Frontiers in Nutrition”,“Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence”,“现代食品科技”等国内外专业期刊审稿。
2023.9--至今 石河子大学,食品学院,副教授
2022.7--2023.9 石河子大学,食品学院,讲师
2018.9--2022.6 浙江大学,食品科学专业,博士
2015.9--2018.6 陕西师范大学,粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程,硕士
2011.9--2015.6 陕西师范大学,食品质量与安全专业,学士
1. 兵团指导性科技计划项目,2023.1-2025.12(主持)
2. 自治区科技厅天池英才青年博士项目,2022.12-2025.12(主持)
3. 石河子大学高层次人才科研启动项目,2023.5-2026.5(主持)
4. 新疆植物药资源利用教育部重点实验室开放课题,2023.7-2025.6(主持)
5. 国家重点研发计划课题,2019.12-2022.12(参与)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021.1-2024.12(参与)
7. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,2023.1-2026.12(参与)
1. Xizhe Fu, Tarun Belwal, Giancarlo Cravotto, et al. Sono-physical and sono-chemical effects of ultrasound: Primary applications in extraction and freezing operations and influence on food components [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 60 (2020) article number 104726. (ESI高被引, IF5=8.772,中科院1区top)
2. Xizhe Fu, Di Wang, Tarun Belwal, et al. Sonication-synergistic natural deep eutectic solvent as a green and efficient approach for extraction of phenolic compounds from peels of Carya cathayensis Sarg. [J]. Food Chemistry, 2021, 129577 (ESI高被引,IF5=8.795,中科院1区top)
3. Xizhe Fu, Di Wang, Tarun Belwal, et al. Natural deep eutectic solvent enhanced pulse-ultrasonication assisted extraction as a multi-stability protective and efficient green strategy to extract anthocyanin from blueberry pomace[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2021 June (144): 111220. (ESI高被引,IF5=6.295,中科院1区top)
4. Xizhe Fu, Tarun Belwal, Yihan He, et al. Interaction and binding mechanism of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside to ovalbumin in varying pH conditions: a spectroscopic and molecular docking study [J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 320 (1): 126616. (IF5=8.795,中科院1区top)
5. Xizhe Fu, Tarun Belwal, Yihan He, Yanqun Xu, Li Li, Zisheng Luo. UPLC-Triple-TOF/MS characterization of phenolic constituents and the influence of natural deep eutectic solvents on extraction of Carya cathayensis Sarg. peels: composition, extraction mechanism and in vitro biological activities [J]. Food Chemistry, 2022, 370: 131042 (IF5=8.795,中科院1区top)
6. Xizhe Fu, Yinglin Du, Ligen Zou, Xingquan Liu, Yihan He, Yanqun Xu, Li Li, and Zisheng Luo. Acidified glycerol as a one-step efficient green extraction and preservation strategy for anthocyanin from blueberry pomace: New insights into extraction and stability protection mechanism with molecular dynamic simulation [J]. Food Chemistry, 2022, article number 133226 (IF5=8.795,中科院1区top)
7. Xi-Zhe Fu, Qing-An Zhang, Bao-Shan Zhang, et al. Effect of ultrasound on the production of xanthylium cation pigments in a model wine [J]. Food Chemistry, 268 (2018) 431-440. (IF5=8.795,中科院1区top)
8. Du, Yinglin, Xizhe Fu, Yiyang Chu, Peiwen Wu, Ye Liu, Lili Ma, Huiqin Tian, and Benzhong Zhu. Biosynthesis and the Roles of Plant Sterols in Development and Stress Responses [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(4): 2332 (IF5=6.132,中科院2区).
9. Qing-An Zhang, Xi-Zhe Fu, Juan Francisco García Martín. Effect of ultrasound on the interaction between (-)-epicatechin gallate and bovine serum albumin in a model wine [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 37 (2017) 405-413. (导师一作,IF5=8.772,中科院1区top)
10. Hao Huang, Yingjie Zhu, Xizhe Fu, Ying Zou, Qunhe Li, Zisheng Luo. Integrated natural deep eutectic solvent and pulse-ultrasonication for efficient extraction of crocins from gardenia fruits (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) and its bioactivities [J]. Food Chemistry, 2022, 380: 132216 (ESI高被引,IF5=8.795,中科院1区top).
11. Xiaoya Tao, Qiong Wu, Xizhe Fu, Beiwei Zhu, Feng Chen, Bin Liu, Linchun Mao, Zisheng Luo, Li Li, Tiejin Ying. Understanding of exogenous auxin in regulating sucrose metabolism during postharvest tomato fruit ripening [J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 189: 111913 (IF5=5.821,中科院1区top).
12. Nina Bao, Di Wang, Xizhe Fu, Hujun Xie, Guizhen Gao, Zisheng Luo. Green Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Lotus Seedpod (Receptaculum Nelumbinis) Assisted by Ultrasound Coupled with Glycerol. [J]. Foods, 2021 Jan 25;10(2):239. (IF5=4.957,中科院2区).
13. Qiong Wu, Chenjie Li, Dongdong Zhang, Qisheng Tian, Xiaoya Tao, Zisheng Luo, Xizhe Fu, Yurong Zhang. Nitrogen modified atmosphere packaging maintains the bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of postharvest fresh edible peanuts [J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 190: 111957 (IF5=5.821,中科院1区top).
1. 2023年度广西自然科学奖二等奖(《广西特色植物多酚稳态制备及构效机制》),4/8。
2. 2023年陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖二等奖(《超声波快速催陈葡萄酒的自由基及声空化效应机制解析》),5/9。
1. 一种天然低共熔溶剂在选择性提取花色苷以及保存花色苷中的应用. (专利号:CN202011503951.2)