
史学伟,博士,教授,硕士生导师,中共党员,兼任中国食品科学技术学会理事、兵团创新创业导师。担任Frontiers in Microbiology、Food Research International等国际学术期刊审稿人。目前主要从事酵母菌的科研工作,科研方向包括酵母菌的多样性、野生酵母菌资源开发及代谢特性在食品工业中的应用,主持承担了国家自然科学基金、兵团重点领域科技攻关等国家及省部级项目20余项,在国内外期刊发表SCI20余篇,核心80余篇,授予发明专利5项,主编和参编著作8部。
(1) 微生物菌种资源开发及分子系统学、分子生态学、遗传多样性研究;
(2) 发酵过程功能微生物学、风味代谢组学解析与调控;
(3) 微生物群落结构与功能的基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学解析。
(1) 2012.9 - 2015.6, 华中农业大学,食品科学,博士
(2) 2007.8 - 2010.7, 石河子大学,农产品加工与贮藏,硕士
(3) 2001.8 - 2005.7, 兰州理工大学,食品科学与工程,学士
(1) 2020.11 -至今, 石河子大学,食品学院,教授
(2) 2015.8 - 2020.10, 石河子大学,食品学院,副教授
(3) 2010.8 - 2015.7, 石河子大学,食品学院,讲师
(4) 2005.8 - 2010.7, 石河子大学,食品学院,助教
(3)国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目“新疆哈萨克族奶酪中酵母菌菌群结构及优势种群对特征风味形成的功能解析”,项目编号31660453, 2017-2020;
(7) 兵团第五师科技攻关项目“酵母抗菌肽制剂的研发”,项目编号20GY01,2020-2021;
(16) 石河子大学高层次人才科研项目“基于非酿酒酵母菌的酶系结构研究”,项目编号RCZX201526,2015-2018;
1. Liu Wenhan, Pu Xilei, Sun Jinkui, Shi Xuewei, Cheng Weidong, Wang Bin. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on functional characteristics and flavor profile of fermented walnut milk. LWT, 2022.
2. Zheng Xiaochun, Shi Xuewei, Wang Bin. A Review on the General Cheese Processing Technology, Flavor Biochemical Pathways and the Influence of Yeasts in Cheese. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021.
3. Ma Yanqin, Li Tian, Xu Xiaoyu, Ji Yanyu, Jiang Xia, Shi Xuewei, Wang Bin. Investigation of Volatile Compounds, Microbial Succession, and Their Relation During Spontaneous Fermentation of Petit Manseng, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021.
4. Lihua Zhu, Tian Li, Xiaoyu Xu, Xuewei Shi, Bin Wang. Succession of Fungal Communities at Different Developmental Stages of Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes From an Organic Vineyard in Xinjiang. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021.
5. Gao Feifei, Zeng Guihua, Wang Bin, Xiao Jing, Zhang Liang, Cheng Weidong, Wang Hua, Li Hua, Shi Xuewei. Discrimination of the geographic origins and varieties of wine grapes using high-throughput sequencing assisted by a random forest model. LWT, 2021.
6. X. Zheng, Z. Ge, K. Lin, D. Zhang, Y. Chen, J. Xiao, B. Wang, and X. Shi. Dynamic changes in bacterial microbiota succession and flavour development during milk fermentation of Kazak artisanal cheese. International Dairy Journal, 2021.
7. Xu Xiaoyu, Li Tian, Ji Yanyu, Jiang Xia, Shi Xuewei, Wang Bin. Origin, Succession, and Control of Biotoxin in Wine. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021.
8.Xuewei Shi, Yu Chen, Jing Xiao, Deng Li, Bin Wang. Effects of harvest dates on microbial communities of ice grape skins from Xinjiang of China. Process Biochemistry, 2020.
9. Y. Chen, W. Zhang, H. Yi, B. Wang, J. Xiao, X. Zhou, X. Jiankun, L. Jiang, X. Shi. Microbial community composition and its role in volatile compound formation during the spontaneous fermentation of ice wine made from Vidal grapes. Process Biochemistry, 2020.
10. Jie Li, Qian Huang, Xiaochun Zheng, Zhengkai Ge, Ke Lin, Dandan Zhang, Yu Chen, Bin Wang, Xuewei Shi. Investigation of the Lactic Acid Bacteria in Kazak Cheese and Their Contributions to Cheese Fermentation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020.
11. Congyan Su, Xiaochun Zheng, Dandan Zhang, Yu Chen, Jing Xiao, Yi He, Jingren He, Bin Wang, Xuewei Shi. Investigation of sugars, organic acids, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and the aroma fingerprint of small white apricots grown in Xinjiang. Journal of food science, 2020.
12. Zhenli Xu, Jiluan Chen, Xuewei Shi, Bin Wang, Xiaochun Zheng, Xiaoji Zheng. Characteristic physicochemical indexes and flavor compounds in Xinjiang Kazak cheese during ripening. Food Bioscience, 2020.
13. Jing Xiao, Yu Chen, Jie Li, Xuewei Shi, Li Deng and Bin Wang. Evaluation of the Effect of Auxiliary Starter Yeasts With Enzyme Activities on Kazak Cheese Quality and Flavor. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020.
14. Feifei Gao; Jiluan Chen; Jing Xiao; Weidong Cheng; Xiaoji Zheng; Bin Wang; Xuewei Shi. Microbial community composition on grape surface controlled by geographical factors of different wine regions in Xinjiang, China. Food Research International, 2019.
15. Zhanxia Liu, Bin Wang, Yuchen Zhang, Lei Jiang, Chenxi Dai, Weidong Cheng, Xuewei Shi. Investigation of biosynthetic mechanisms of Monacolin K and pigments in Monascus purpureus based on transcriptomic analysis. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019.
16. Aoran Li, Ruoshi Xiao, Sijia He, Xiaoyu An, Yi He, Chengtao Wang, Sheng Yin, Bin Wang, Xuewei Shi, Jingren He, Matthias Koch. Research Advances of Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanins: Extraction, Identification, Stability, Bioactivity, Application, and Biotransformation. Molecules, 2019.
17. Xiaoji Zheng, Fei Liu, Xuewei Shi, Bin Wang, Kaixiong Li, Baokun Li, Bin Zhuge. Dynamic correlations between microbiota succession and flavor development involved in the ripening of Kazak artisanal cheese. Food Research International, 2018.
18. Xiaoji Zheng, Fei Liu, Xuewei Shi, Bin Wang, Kaixiong Li, Baokun Li, Bin Zhuge. Evaluating the microbial ecology and metabolite profile in Kazak artisanal cheeses from Xinjiang, China. Food Research International, 2018.
19. Xiaoji Zheng, Kaixiong Li, Xuewei Shi, Yongqing Ni, Baokun Li, Bin Zhuge. Potential characterization of yeasts isolated from Kazak artisanal cheese to produce flavoring compounds. MicrobiologyOpen, 2017.
20. Xuewei Shi, Fusheng Chen, Ya'nan Xu, Honglei Tian, XiaojiZHeng, Jing Xiao. Aromatic components produced by non-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae derived from natural fermentation of grape. Natural Product Research: Formerly Natural Product Letters, 2015.
(3)第二十三届全国教师教育教学信息化高等教育组微课二等奖 (2019)
2.一种葡萄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯检测前处理装置,专利号201921027194.9 (授权);